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Beware of Termites
June Owensboro
The word termite is enough to strike fear into the heart of every homeowner. They know just how expensive it can get to treat their home for termites, and the fact that they can go relatively unseen for a while can be terrifying to say the least. What many people do not know is how helpful termites can be. They eat dead and dying vegetation, which is great because that means we do not have dead trees sitting there rotting for the longest time. However, for homeowners, termites can cause major problems. Knowing what preventative measures should be taken, even before you have built your house, can save you thousands of dollars in the end. Being aware of what attracts termites (besides that sweet, sweet wood) can help you continue to protect your home against termites long after your home has been built.
The most common types of termites that infest homes are subterranean termites. These pests require moisture in order to survive, and tend to live in soil underground. Termites like to eat wood mulch from landscaping, but will basically tear apart any kind of wood that is near soil. They will also eat through inedible material like insulation and plaster just to get to wood. Knowing these facts may give you the creepy crawlies, but it is important to be aware of how termites work if you want to work to avoid them eating your home.
If you are having a new house built, talk to the builder about making sure all wooden parts of the foundation are at least 6 inches above the soil, as this will eliminate much of the problem of termites getting through at the base of your foundation. When you work on your landscaping, make sure your mulch levels are several inches below the siding of the house. Try to avoid using wood mulch close to your house s foundation, and be sure the mulch only goes about 2 inches deep.
As for the rest of your yard and your house, you should be sure to remove dead trees and stumps immediately, especially if they are close to your house. Take care to remove the roots of the dead trees as well. If you use firewood or lumber, do not store it near your foundation, as this will allow termites to have easy access to food.
When it comes to the moisture that termites seek in order to thrive, you should be aware of the way the ground is sloping with regard to your house. If it slopes away from the house, you are in good shape. Your gutters should always be clean, so as not to allow them to get clogged and let water build up. Put your sprinklers as far away from the foundation of your home as possible. You should always be monitoring your faucets and air conditioning units to make sure they are not leaking. If they are, you must get them repaired immediately so as not to allow excess moisture to abound within your home.
Check with your home insurance provider to see if termite damage is covered under your policy.
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